The Great Bits: Paul F. Tompkins’s “Peanut Brittle”

Killing time before the show with my feature act, eating Subway in some comedy condo somewhere, we’d play each other the bits that impressed us the most. I always played “Peanut Brittle.” It comes from Paul F. Tompkins’s 2007 album Impersonal. I imagine he called it that because the tracks are observations and not the biographical stories you […]

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The Great Bits: Patton Oswalt’s “Steak”

“That’s a great bit.” You’ll hear it every so often. A comedian walks off the stage to the back of the room. As the MC tells you the next performer was on Corden, another comic will lean in and say, in a somber voice, maybe even with a tint of jealousy, “That’s a great bit.” […]

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